The Winsen Climate Protection Network invited to a networking meeting on 13 April 2023 to promote the exchange between associations and organisations that are committed to climate protection. The aim is not only to exchange experiences within the city limits, but also to cooperate with other alliances, initiatives and networks in the region.

On 10 December 2007, the American politician and entrepreneur Al Gore said on the occasion of the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize: "The earth has a fever - and the fever is rising". Gore is known for his fight against climate change and his efforts to raise awareness of the importance of environmental and climate protection. For years he has warned of the consequences of climate change.

Today, these warnings are more relevant than ever. The effects of climate change are already noticeable: extreme weather events such as heat waves, droughts and floods are increasing. Global warming is causing glaciers to melt and sea levels to rise. The consequences are not only devastating for nature, but also for humans.

In this context, the Winsen Climate Protection Network invited environmental and climate protection initiatives from the region on 13 April 2023. The aim of the networking meeting was to learn from and inspire each other. To this end, associations and organisations from Winsen and beyond were invited that are committed to climate protection and are interested in an exchange on event formats, addressing target groups or acquiring project funding.

The event also looked beyond the borders of the city of Winsen. There are alliances, initiatives or networks in several municipalities and cities in the region that are committed to more climate protection, sustainable mobility or other aspects of a climate and environmentally friendly economy and lifestyle. These initiatives can learn from each other and work together more effectively to combat climate change.

As committee chair of the environment, climate protection and tourism committee of the Salzhausen joint municipality, I also took part in the networking meeting. In my presentation, I gave an overview of the topics that we have already implemented. I also spoke about topics that we are currently monitoring, such as the creation of a climate protection concept and photovoltaics on public buildings. In addition, I discussed with the participants topics that we were not able to implement, such as balcony power plants.

It is important that we continue to engage in climate protection and network to fight climate change together. It is time that we all realise that we are all part of the problem and that we all need to be part of the solution. Climate change affects us all and requires a rethink in all areas of our lives. Only if we act together and commit to climate protection can we stop global warming and secure a future worth living for future generations. It is time to act and take responsibility for our planet.

(Author: Frithjof Brandt)